I apologize for stopping my story of how Moose and Marsha came into our lives. Christmas was hectic, and then we had a long, difficult decision to make. Poor Marsha was not doing well. She was blind, deaf, her back legs didn't want to work right and she had kidney failure. That's a lot for a little pup. We realized that her quality of life just wasn't there. We celebrated her 14th birthday. We gave her all of her favorite treats. She had cake. And McDonald's. And whipped cream. And bacon and eggs.

And then we did the hardest, but most humane thing. We took her to the vet and said our final goodbyes. We hugged her and told her how much she was loved as she drew her last breath, until we could no longer speak, tears running down our faces.
Now, when we look at the spot where she spent most of her day lying on her pillow, the emptiness is felt. As much as the humans in the house miss her, we can tell that Moose is missing her even more. That breaks my heart even further. Moose did not know life without her. We do believe he knew that she was sick by the way he would constantly sniff her entire body and then give her a kiss. He spent his whole life protecting her. He loved her, too.
Goodbye, Marsha Girl! We'll see you at the Rainbow Bridge!

Rainbow Bridge - Anonymous