Jay and I have watched many hours of hurricane coverage on TV in our lives, but now that we are going through Ian, we realize that watching the news is nothing like experiencing it in person.
Thankfully, we are ok. We still have a house and we are safe. We know that many people cannot say the same. The destruction is heart breaking. I hope that everyone reading this is also safe with a place to live. Everything else is just stuff and it can be replaced. We have cancelled the craft show this coming weekend. We are without power, internet/cell service is spotty, and we did not feel right having a craft show while so many are still suffering. I am not sure if the NorthPort show on the 22nd will still be happening.
It looks like mail service may resume next week, so I will be mailing out the orders I have as soon as I can. Thank you for your patience.
For everyone in SWFL, I hope you are safe.